
点击数:   更新日期:2008年10月05日


发 文 号:一九八三年十二月二十九日国务院发布
oiloperations in the "record book for oils"; non-oil tankers shall makeentries in the "engine logbook" or the minute book of those on duty.Article 18In the event of oil escape or oil leakage while performing oil operations,vessels shall promptly adopt measures to eliminate oil pollution andprevent its expansion, and at the same time report to the harborsuperintendencies. After the causes have been ascertained, the vesselsshall report in writing and wait for investigation and handling.Article 19In discharging pollutants, vessels must meet the "Standards for Dischargeof Pollutants by Vessels" of the People's Republic of China.Such oil-polluted water as that in the ballast tanks, that from washing ofcabins and that in the engine rooms of vessels entering harbors must notbe discharged at will; it shall be received and disposed of with disposalfacilities for oil-polluted water at the harbor. If the harbor is notequipped for receiving and disposing of oil-polluted water when vessels'oil-polluted water have to be discharged, a written report shall besubmitted to the harbor superintendencies in advance. After approval isreceived, the discharge shall be conducted conditionally and at designatedareas.
Article 20The discharge of vessels' oil-polluted water approved in accordance withArticle 19 of these Regulations must be in accordance with the followingstipulations:(1) general requirementsa. the discharge must be done within the approved areas;b. in the course of navigating, the instantaneous discharge rate may notexceed 60 liters/nautical mile;c. the oil content of the polluted water may not exceed 15 mg/liter;d. the oil and water separation equipment, the filtering system and themonitoring and controlling devices of oil discharge must be in normalworking condition;e. the discharge must be done on the ebbtide.(2) the discharge of oil-polluted water from the engine rooms of oiltankers of 150 gross tonnage or more and non-oil tankers of 400 grosstonnage or more must, in addition to satisfying a, b, d, and e of theabove-listed general requirements, also meet the following requirements:a. discharge must be done beyond 12 nautical miles from the nearest land;b. the oil content of the polluted water may not exceed 100 mg/liter.(3) the discharge of ballast water and the water from the washing ofcabins of oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage or more must, in addition tosatisfying b and d of the above-listed general requirements, also meet thefollowing requirements:a. dumping must be done 50 nautical miles away from the nearest land;b. the total amount of oil discharged in each ballast voyage may notexceed 1/15000 of the total amount of oil carried for existing oiltankers, and not exceed 1/30000 for new oil tankers.
【章名】Chapter V Dangerous Goods Carried by Vessels
Article 21Vessels carrying dangerous goods with inflammable, explosive or corrosive,toxic and radioactive substances shall adopt necessary safety and anti-pollution measures. They shall raise the stipulated signals, observe the"Regulations on Supervision and Control of Dangerous Goods Carried byVessels" and "Regulations on Transportation of Dangerous Goods throughWater Routes" of the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republicof China and the "Rules on Transportation of Dangerous Goods onInternational Seas" of the International Maritime Organization, andprevent occurrence of accidents that will cause the dangerous goods toscatter or leak out to pollute the sea areas.Article 22When vessels are loading dangerous toxic bulk liquids at the harbor, thevarious stipulations prescribed in Article 17 of these Regulations may bereferred to for implementation.Article 23When vessels are loading and unloading dangerous goods of a toxic,corrosive or radioactive nature, both the vessels and the operation unitsmust adopt precautionary measures to prevent the goods from falling intothe water. Should accidents occur, urgent measures shall be adopted toretrieve and remove the goods. Reports shall be made immediately to theharbor superintendencies and the relevant units must be informed in goodtime, so that measures will be adopted to prevent major damage.
【章名】Chapter VI Other Polluted Water from Vessels
Article 24Nuclear-powered vessels and vessels carrying radioactive substances mustobserve the stipulations in Article 31 of the Marine EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of China.Article 25Vessels from epidemic-affected ports shall apply to the sanitation andquarantine department for sanitary treatment of the ballast water thereof.Article 26Vessels carrying toxic goods and goods containing corrosive substancesmust, in discharging hold-washings containing such substances, conform tothe following requirements:(1) discharge within the approved areas;(2) discharge 12 nautical miles away from the nearest land, and the depthof the water exceed 25 meters;(3) discharge in the course of navigating, and at a speed of not less than7 knots and for non-self-navigating vessels, not less than 4 knots;(4) discharge on the ebbtide;(5) solid residue materials may not be discharged into the sea areas; theymust be retrieved for disposal;(6) entries must be made of discharges in the "navigation logbook".
【章名】Chapter VII Garbage from Vessels
Article 27Garbage from vessels shall not be dumped at will into harbor waters.Vessels carrying toxic or dusty bulk goods may not wash the decks andcabins at will in the harbors, or discharge the residue materials in theharbors in any other ways. If washing is really necessary, applicationsmust be submitted to the harbor superintendencies in advance for approval.Article 28Any vessel in the harbor that needs to dump garbage shall raise on boardsignals as designated by the harbor, and hire garbage boats/trucks todispose of it. At the same time the following requirements must be met:(1) the containers for storing and collecting domestic garbage of thevessel must have covers and may not leak, and dumping must be done atregular intervals;(2) cabin paddings, materials used for sweeping the cabin and varioustypes of solid garbage shall be dumped by the shipping servicedepartments; the vessel shall apply to these departments in advance andprovide the information about the types and amounts of the materials to bedumped;(3) with respect to the garbage containing toxic or other dangeroussubstances, the vessel, in applying for dumping, provide the names, natureand amounts of these materials, which shall be strictly separated fromother garbage.Article 29With respect to the garbage of vessels from epidemic-affected ports,applications shall be submitted to the sanitation and quarantinedepartment for sanitary treatment of the vessels.Article 30Vessels disposing of garbage at sea shall conform to the followingstipulations:(1) plastic products may not be cast off into the sea;(2) granulated domestic garbage and kitchen wastes of less than 25mm indiameter may after pulverization treatment, be cast off beyond 3 nauticalmiles from the nearest land; those which have not been thus treated shallbe cast off beyond 12 nautical miles from the nearest land.
【章名】Chapter VIII Use of Vessels to Dump Waste Materials
Article 31Any unit that needs to use vessels to dump waste materials shall submitthe document of approval by the State Ocean-ography Bureau or by itsagency to the harbor superintendency of the harbor where shipment starts,and may go through the visa precedures for the vessels to make their entryand exit only after verification. If the actual cargoes are found to benot in conformity with the contents approved, the visa application shallbe rejected.Article 32When performing operations of dumping waste materials, the vessel shallmake accurate records of the dumping. After coming back to the harbor, thevessel shall report in written form to the harbor superintend
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